LEED Certification
LEED CERTIFICATION: What It Is, Why It Matters
Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) is an established rating system for environmentally-sound construction. The system encourages the use of elements that lower operating costs, increase a building's value, conserve resources, and provide a safe environment for all inhabitants. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, it evaluates this environmental performance of a building, and seeks to encourage the market toward sustainable design. On any construction site, waste is an ongoing issue. Many items that are discarded during the course of construction can be reused on other projects. Those that cannot be repurposed by the construction company or another builder can be sent to a recycling center rather than a landfill.The Materials & Resources category of a LEED project encourages reducing waste, as well as reusing and recycling as much as possible. To acquire LEED certification a project must be compliant with some type of solid waste management or recycling plan.
LEED certification can provide credits when projects include environmentally friendly actions during construction (and, later, use) of a building. A waste diversion rate of 50 percent earns construction sites one point, while a 75 percent division rate earns two points.And because of increasing environmental awareness overall, LEED certification on projects comes with an increased degree of clout. In fact, some new jobs are specifically requesting construction companies with LEED certification. Being LEED certified may help you gain new construction and land development projects.
We can help you achieve compliance by diverting waste from disposal sites using our own recycling facilities and network of qualified construction and demolition recycling plants.Additionally, Groot can provide ongoing recycling services, waste stream audits, and help you create a cost-effective solid waste management policy.
We understand LEED requirements and can help you meet them. When you process your waste through Groot, we take care of the materials and provide you with the proper LEED recycling documentation, complete with breakdown percentages.We understand the process and the paperwork - and make it an easy, seamless transaction for you. Contact us today for a free consult.
For complete LEED compliance and information visit new.usgbc.org/leed.